Our Fellowship

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Perfecting Fellowship International is an ecclesiastical corporate community comprised of an end-time fellowship of churches postured as sons and daughters committed to a basic body of beliefs founded on God’s revealed truth.

The mission of Perfecting Fellowship International is to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ and unite the Body of Christ by empowering Pastors for effective ministry at the local level, thereby producing perpetual global impact.

Perfecting Fellowship International is continually expanding as there are churches that join every year from around the world.

Perfecting Fellowship International is focused on making the local church healthy and strong. In return, strong churches produces a strong fellowship.

Every year all of the pastors and churches of PFI gather for an annual Holy Convocation where vision and direction is given through our Bishop.

Perfecting Fellowship International is an organization that has been birthed in existence through diligent prayer.

Please visit Perfecting Fellowship International’s website at www.pfi.world