Our Pastor

Pastor Marvin L. Winans is the founder and Senior Pastor of Perfecting Church located in Detroit, Michigan. The city where he was born and raised. He also selflessly serves as Senior Pastor at Perfecting Church-Toledo located in Toledo, Ohio, and is Bishop-Elect of Perfecting Fellowship International which, includes churches throughout the United States, United Kingdom, and South Africa. These extensions of the ministry do not lack in covering or anointing as Pastor Winans is always present, available, and ready for the next task to move these ministries forward.
World renown for his innate gifting to preach, he is also an eternal member of the group, The Winans, discovered by Andrae Crouch. This group transformed gospel music without losing the message of Jesus Christ. The 80s and 90s hit group, The Winans earned five Grammy awards and had multi–Billboard R&B chart hit songs. Winans pursued music beyond the group by producing multiple albums, collaborated with various artists, launched a solo album, Alone but Not Alone, and an album with his brothers, The Three Winans Brothers, called Foreign Land. He started his own label, MLW Productions, and can be found singing in or at any service hosted at Perfecting Church.
Pastor Winans has used his voice not only to bless the world through song but in scripture and works tirelessly to ensure that the needs of Perfecting Church and Perfecting Fellowship International ministries, congregants, and community partners are met. Pastor Winans is an author of the book entitled; Image is Everything. And as a servant leader, the script speaks for itself.
As the fourth of ten children to David and Delores Winans, he stems from a lineage of holiness and has used his gifts to bless the nations for many years. He is the father of three sons and the Pastor of a congregation of thousands. Ministry Means People is the mantra that he has mandated for Perfecting, and as he continues to lead the ministry, the people continue to come.