Perfecting Church
Address 7616 E. Nevada
Detroit, MI 48234
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST
Closed Daily Between
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST
Contact Perfecting Church
Pastor Marvin Winans would like to thank you for your invitation to share in ministry. Please complete the below form and return it with a formal letter of invitation, your ministry Statement of Faith, and any other information on your church/ministry or organization. Please note that this request cannot be considered if any of the requested information is not submitted.
Pastor Winans schedule will only allow him to share in ministry for one (1) day. When requesting a date, please note that his schedule will not allow time to accept dates on a Sunday, Tuesday or Saturday. This form is a request for information only and should not be considered a confirmation. Please allow at least 10 weeks for a reply. Submission of request and documentation can be sent to or FAX to 313.365.1186. If you need additional clarification, please contact, 313.365.3787. Thank you!
Pastor Winans Ministry Request
Submit the Form Below